7 Most Popular Online Courses for College Students

Costs of attending college have increased by merely 25% in the last 10 years. During the 1970s, enrolling in classes at a private college would have cost students no more than $18,000 yearly. By the year 2008, these costs equivalated no less than $38,000. Today, costs are close to $50,000 per year for a good private university, according to a report at CNBC.
While earning a college degree should be an investment every student should make, most of us cannot afford this without entering student debt and thus, accepting the loss of our financial freedom. During the last years, online classes have become more popular for this exact reason. Students are starting to realize that online education is beneficial in the long run, especially at how things are evolving today. The pandemic made us realize that we can still function in a virtual environment at a lower cost – so then, why not invest in an online course that could bring you potential opportunities?
This article will discuss seven of the most popular online courses for college students, and why you should choose them.
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1. Well-being as a Science
Students have realized that mental health is the most important tool in acing the learning process. If you are not healthy, how are you going to learn? If you are not able to cope with the schoolwork that has been assigned to you, how are you able to pass without consulting with an essay writer? These are all relevant questions that have been discussed in the classroom for years; the results of these discussions are finally being seen.
Some of the most popular online courses on well-being as a science relate to well-being as having its foundations on biology. Chemistry also plays an important role here as it can make-up for the brain imbalances. However, researchers are not satisfied with only these answers. They are looking at happiness as being another essential element in determining well-being. In the end, the happier you are, the better you feel, so a correlation worth exploring does exist and should be further assessed.
Recommended: Yale’s Science of Well-Being Course.
2. Cryptocurrency
Since cryptocurrencies are the future and students understand it, more of them are willing to invest their time and money into learning about Bitcoin & others. While the price of Bitcoin is down on the market, the interest in learning about this new crypto technology has increased. That’s because this subject has the potential to teach us innovative mechanisms of online transactions, thus revolutionizing our money exchange policies and web communities. Becoming a global society means that we have to offer everybody the opportunity to invest, regardless of currency; and Bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies are the perfect tools through which we can strive towards a more unified economic world.
Recommended: Udemy’s Basic Cryptocurrency Trading Course.
3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Studying Artificial Intelligence is a witty thing to put on your to-do list. We are heading towards a machine-based society, so embracing the new trends under which the world will function is essential. While most of the ideas about AI and Machine Learning seem unreal to the large public, these new trends are indeed transforming our society as we speak. The financial sector and trading industry are two of the main domains in which AI has the highest chance of impacting the world, while life sciences and healthcare are very probable to follow.
There are just so many ways in which doctors can work faster today due to AI; thus, patients get better healthcare and more immediate attention. Banks can also help customers get quicker access to their services by implementing machine learning tools within their services. Taking a course in AI and Machine Learning can be extremely beneficial for understanding the world ahead of its time.
Recommended: Udacity’s Intro to Artificial Intelligence Course.
4. Intro to Psychology
Since students focused on mental health are becoming more aware of the importance of psychological well-being, Intro to Psychologycourses online are increasing in popularity. That is because students are starting to pay more attention to the ways in which the human mind functions and what we can do to improve it. As uni assignment help coordinator Dan Banks would agree, “Knowledge is power.” So, the more we research topics of interest, the more knowledge we will acquire on those subjects. Yet the more knowledge we acquire, the higher our chances to succeed. Understanding how our minds work means understanding how our brains function and what behaviors result and thus, easing up the process of reaching success.
Recommended: edX’s Developmental & Clinical Psychology Course.
5. Chinese for Beginners
Learning a second or even a third language is a great way to advance in your career; and what better moment to make this decision to learn something new than when it matters the most (ehm – when you’re enrolled in school)? Time for working on your skills might lessen the older you get, so making sure that you possess the qualities that you desire while in school is a great step towards success. China has become one of the economic superpowers of the world, which means that learning Chinese will eventually bring you a wider opportunity for financial gain.
Recommended: Coursera’s Chinese for Beginners Course.
6. Mathematics
Programming has become an important job in this world today, and guess what? Most of it has its roots in mathematics. Students who check to see that the best-paid jobs are those in IT will enroll in Mathematics as a beginning phase of their programming careers. A class in mathematics will teach you anything you want to know about algorithms, systems, and operations, as well as data structures, scientific performance, and working with numbers.
Recommended: any Math course on edX.
7. English for Career Advancement
Writing job applications and resumes has become an essential part of the application process for students. Having little to no experience when entering the job market, graduates must ensure that their letter of intentions and reasons for applying for specific jobs are clearly explained. If professional English is not one of your skills, you should definitely work on improving that. Most employers are looking for professionals who are skilled at English and proficient at communicating; in the end, these two skills must go hand in hand for someone to succeed in his or her field.
Recommended: Coursera’s English for Career Development Course.
Free online classes are the best ways to get your foot in the door of the company that you want to work for. Even without the necessary experience, employers will appreciate your trial efforts, especially during COVID-19, a time when offline opportunities are so scarce. Engaging with the content learned will help you excel faster than your competition. Good luck!
About Author
Michael Gorman is a highly skilled freelance writer and proofreader from the UK who currently works at the best paper writing service in London. Being interested in everyday development, he offers essay writing services UK to students, writes various blog posts, provides research paper writing services, and discovers new aspects of human existence every day. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or check his Twitter.