Golang vs Python: Choosing the Right Programming Language

Go and Python are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. But which one should you choose for your next project? In this blog post, we'll compare Golang vs Python head-to-head to help you make an informed decision.

What is Go?

In 2007, three computer scientists at Google got sick and tired of C++ and created a new programming language. Google developers hoped to merge the best features of existing development tools, such as C, Python, and Java, to make a superior product. This product was released two years later with the name Go. Go is a high-performance, open-source programming language designed to process considerable amounts of data while remaining as easy to use as possible.

The main thing about Go that makes it so appealing to many people is its simplicity. The language's toolchain allows implementing complex tasks in the easiest way possible. As you start researching the language, you'll learn that many cloud-based and DevOps services are built using Golang. So, if DevOps is something that appeals to you, Golang is the way to go.

Golang Features and Advantages:

Go, also known as Golang, was developed by Google to manage its complex infrastructure and massive codebases. Some of the key features and benefits of Go include:

  • Statically typed language for catching bugs early.
  • Compiled language for fast performance.
  • Strict programming rules to improve code readability.
  • Efficient memory management.
  • Robust standard libraries for common tasks like web development, databases, concurrency, and encryption.

Go's simplicity, performance, and built-in concurrency make it an excellent choice for back-end development, microservices, and cloud-native applications.

Golang Drawbacks:

  • Lacks generic programming support.
  • Has a smaller ecosystem of libraries and frameworks compared to more established languages.
  • Still maturing, so community support can be limited for advanced use cases.

Demand and Salaries for Go Programmers

Considering the fact that many top tech giants favor Go programming language over others, it appears to be in high demand. Companies like Uber, Twitch, Dropbox, and Salesforce use Go in their projects. As a result, more companies are searching for software developers who know Golang, and programmers want to add Go to their skill set.

According to Google Trends, we see a stable growth in Go's popularity. But does this also mean higher salaries? As a matter of fact, it does. Jobs involving Go development have been one of the highest-paid in the IT sphere. According to Flexiple, Go developers' average earnings are around $168,128 per year, and can range anywhere between $109k/yr to $265k/yr, confirming that Golang development provides excellent job opportunities and higher salaries.

What is Python?

In the late 1980s, Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, set out to create a new programming language that would prioritize simplicity and readability. By 1991, Python was born, named after the British comedy group Monty Python. Python is an open-source, high-level programming language known for its clear syntax and versatility. It seamlessly integrates elements from C, Java, and Perl, making it ideal for a wide range of applications, from web development and data analysis to artificial intelligence and scientific computing.

Python's strength lies in its extensive standard libraries and supportive community. Its user-friendly design allows developers to write less code and achieve more, making it a favorite among beginners and seasoned professionals alike. Whether you're developing web applications, analyzing data, or automating tasks, Python's comprehensive toolset and robust frameworks provide the flexibility and efficiency needed to tackle complex problems with ease.

Python Features and Advantages:

First released in 1991, Python has become one of the most widely used programming languages thanks to its simplicity and extensive ecosystem. Here are some of Python's top features and benefits:

  • Dynamically typed language for faster development
  • Interpreted language for ease of use
  • Clean, readable syntax
  • Huge collection of libraries and frameworks like pandas, TensorFlow, and PyTorch
  • Large, active community and strong online support

Python's simplicity and powerful libraries make it the go-to language for data analysis, machine learning, and rapid prototyping of ideas. You can get started with Python quickly without a lengthy setup process.

Python Drawbacks:

  • Not ideal for mobile app development
  • Database access layer is somewhat underdeveloped
  • Lack of commercial support options
  • Dynamic typing can lead to more runtime errors

Demand and Salaries for Python Programmers

The demand for Python programmers has been consistently high due to Python's versatility and wide range of applications in fields such as web development, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and automation. Companies like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, and Netflix heavily utilize Python in their tech stacks. This widespread adoption has made Python one of the most sought-after programming languages in the job market.

According to Google Trends, Python's popularity has seen a steady rise over the years, and it continues to be a favorite among developers. This demand translates into attractive salaries for Python developers. As of 2023, the average salary for a Python developer in the United States is around $1,18,449 per year, according to data from sources like Glassdoor and PayScale. Senior Python developers and those with specialized skills in data science or machine learning can command even higher salaries, often exceeding $132,940 per year.

Golang vs Python: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Let's start by looking at the key differences between Go and Python:


  • Golang: Multi-paradigm (procedural, concurrent).
  • Python: Multi-paradigm (imperative, functional, procedural, object-oriented).


  • Golang: Outperforms Python in solving complex problems that require efficient memory management.
  • Python: Generally slower than Go due to its interpreted nature, but still efficient for many applications.


  • Golang: Built-in support for concurrency, making it easier to write scalable applications. Ideal for building backend services and microservices.
  • Python: Achieves parallelism through threads, which can be less efficient. However, it's excellent for rapid development and prototyping.


  • Golang: Commonly used for systems programming, cloud computing, and backend services. It's preferred for tasks that require high performance and concurrency.
  • Python: Excels in web development, data analytics, AI, and deep learning. It's favored for its ease of use and extensive libraries.

Ease of Learning:

  • Golang: Known for its simplicity and minimalistic syntax, making it easier to learn for new programmers. Developers appreciate its straightforward approach.
  • Python: Highly readable and has a gentle learning curve, especially for beginners. It's often recommended as a first language.

Community and Support:

  • Golang: Growing community with strong support from tech giants. Developers highlight its robust ecosystem and active forums.
  • Python: Massive community with extensive documentation and libraries. It's one of the most supported languages with numerous resources available.

Use Cases and Applications

  • Golang: Ideal for backend services, microservices, real-time applications, and cloud computing. It's used by companies like Uber and Twitch for its performance benefits.
  • Python: Perfect for web development, data science, AI/ML, scripting, and automation. It's used extensively in academic and research environments for its versatility.

Security Considerations

Both languages have robust security features, but Go's statically typed nature and compilation process can help catch errors early, reducing the risk of runtime issues. Python's dynamic typing and extensive libraries also offer secure coding practices, but developers must be cautious with third-party packages.

Performance Benchmarks

Generally, Go is faster and more efficient due to its compiled nature. Python, being an interpreted language, is slower but offers flexibility and ease of use, which can be more beneficial in certain scenarios.

Tools and Libraries

  • Golang: The standard library is comprehensive, with popular frameworks like Gin, Echo, and Revel. Developers appreciate its straightforward toolchain and performance optimization tools.
  • Python: Extensive libraries for web development (Django, Flask), data science (Pandas, NumPy), and AI (TensorFlow, PyTorch). The community's contribution to its libraries is vast and continuously growing.

Best Practices

  • Golang: Use for high-performance, scalable backend systems and real-time applications. It's recommended for projects requiring efficient resource management.
  • Python: Use for data analysis, AI/ML, web development, and automation tasks. It's ideal for rapid development and prototyping.

Common Pitfalls

  • Golang: Can become verbose and requires handling of edge cases meticulously. Developers often highlight the importance of error handling and testing.
  • Python: Performance can be an issue with large-scale applications; dependency management can be tricky. It's essential to manage package versions carefully.

Go vs Python Comparison Table:

ParadigmProcedural, ConcurrentImperative, Functional, Object-oriented
PerformanceHigh (compiled)Moderate (interpreted)
ScalabilityBuilt-in concurrencyThreads
ApplicationsSystems, Cloud, BackendWeb, Data Science, AI
Ease of LearningSimple, MinimalisticReadable, Beginner-friendly
Community SupportGrowing, StrongMassive, Extensive
Use CasesBackend, MicroservicesWeb Dev, AI/ML, Automation
SecurityStatically typed, Early error catchingDynamic typing, Secure practices
PerformanceFast, EfficientFlexible, Slower
LibrariesStandard library, Gin, EchoDjango, Flask, Pandas, NumPy
Best PracticesHigh-performance backendData Science, Web Dev, AI/ML
Common PitfallsVerbose, edge case handlingPerformance, Dependency Management
Future TrendsCloud, Backend ServicesData Science, AI, Web Dev

The use of Go continues to grow, particularly in cloud and backend services. Python remains strong in data science, AI, and web development, with ongoing improvements and a vibrant community.

Our Thoughts

Choosing between Go and Python ultimately depends on your project's requirements, performance needs, and personal preferences. Go is an excellent choice for high-performance, scalable backend systems, while Python shines in web development, data science, and AI. Both languages offer robust tools and vibrant communities, ensuring you have the support needed to succeed in your development journey.

Ultimately, the choice between Golang and Python comes down to the specific needs of your project and your personal preferences as a developer. Both are powerful, flexible languages that can help you build amazing applications. By understanding their key differences, you can pick the right tool for the job and your individual coding style.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is Golang or Python better for beginners?

Python is generally considered easier for beginners to learn due to its simple, readable syntax. Go has a slightly steeper learning curve but is still a fairly beginner-friendly language thanks to its small feature set and clean style.

Which is faster, Go or Python?

In general, Go performs much faster than Python, especially for compute-intensive tasks. Go's static typing and compiled nature result in highly optimized and efficient code execution.

Is Go difficult to learn?

Compared to other programming languages, Go has a relatively simple and easy-to-learn syntax. Its simplicity and readability make it an accessible language for beginners. However, mastering any programming language takes time and practice.

Should I learn Golang or Python in 2024?

The best language to learn depends on your goals. If you're interested in data science, machine learning, or web development, Python is an excellent choice with a robust ecosystem. If you want to work on systems programming, back-end development, or cloud infrastructure, Golang is a valuable skill to have. Many developers learn both to combine their strengths.

Can I use Python and Go together in a project?

Yes, you can use Python and Go together in a project, leveraging the strengths of each language. For example, you can use Python for tasks that require extensive libraries or rapid prototyping, while using Go for performance-critical components or concurrent processing. Many companies and projects successfully combine Python and Go to build robust and efficient backend systems.

Are there any prerequisites for learning Go?

While there are no strict prerequisites for learning Go, having a basic understanding of programming concepts and experience with at least one programming language (such as Python) can make the learning process smoother. Familiarity with concepts like variables, functions, control flow, and data structures will help you grasp Go's syntax and paradigms more quickly.