6 Free HTML Projects To Develop Your Site: A Beginner's Guide

Web development is one of the most popular and in-demand skills today as it aligns with the ever-evolving technology. To stay on top of industry standards, a successful web developer should always strive to learn new tools and platforms.

Those who want to start a career in website development should master the fundamentals first. For instance, the journey will likely begin with online tutorials for a programming language like HTML or CSS since these two generally form the basic structure of a website.

As you progress, start to create web pages and take on website projects to hone your skills. There are countless HTML projects to choose from, but keep in mind that each one has different difficulty levels, so we recommend working on beginner-friendly projects first.

This article will cover six beginner-friendly HTML projects to help you improve your skills in website development. Let’s get started.

Why You Should Learn HTML and CSS

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to describe the structure of a web page and consists of HTML elements that inform web browsers on how to display the web content. For example, the World Wide Web site is an HTML page that displays texts, such as headings, paragraphs, and hyperlinks.

However, most modern websites don't only contain HTML code but also other languages like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS functions as a styling language, enabling you to create appealing web pages.

You can also add custom CSS to a website builder or content management system (CMS), such as WordPress, Joomla, and Squarespace, as an alternative to a theme builder.

Compared to the HTML site example above, the web page https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/how-to-make-a-website implements CSS, allowing it to have a more intuitive interface and engaging visuals.

Most web development projects require you to work with HTML and CSS, so it is crucial to have a good understanding of these two programming languages.

6 Free and Beginner-Friendly HTML Projects

Note that you’ll need a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to write, debug, and run code before you can start building a project.

Most IDEs are open-source, so you can download them for free. Popular IDEs include Visual Studio Code, Atom, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans.

Now, let’s review the HTML projects that can help web developers sharpen their skills. We’ve listed them from easy to medium difficulty levels, so you will feel more comfortable typing the CSS and HTML code as you progress.

1. Survey Form

Project Info:

  • Required language: HTML
  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Learning resource: W3Schools

A form is an important website element that allows you to gather valuable user information. For example, a sign-up form helps you generate leads and convert visitors into customers. Building a survey form is also a great starting point for practicing HTML.

By building a survey form, you will learn to use a basic HTML template containing a head, a body, and an HTML element. Then, practice including HTML tags inside the body element, such as the form, label, input, and textarea tags. It is also important to nest HTML attributes within each element to ensure the form works as expected.

2. Cooking Recipe

Project Info:

  • Required language: HTML
  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Learning resource: The Odin Project

A cooking recipe is an easy HTML project you can practice after completing the survey form project. In this project, you will learn how to include elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and an unordered list.

Although it is a simple project, a cooking recipe helps you practice ensuring that each element is placed appropriately. This project also requires you to create multiple pages for each recipe and link them to the main HTML file.

3. Tribute Page

Project Info:

  • Required language: HTML and CSS (optional)
  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Learning resource: GeeksforGeeks

A tribute page informs readers about an inspiring figure or a person of great influence. Tribute pages are similar to biographies but are much more straightforward.

In this project, you can use only HTML or HTML with CSS. You will practice implementing basic HTML elements, such as a heading, paragraph, line break, image, and link. To add some styles, you can apply CSS to this project. With it, you can utilize basic CSS selectors and properties.

4. Technical Documentation Page

Project Info:

  • Required language: HTML and CSS
  • Difficulty level: Medium
  • Learning resource: freeCodeCamp

Many website owners often include technical documentation or a manual page for their products or services. This page helps customers understand what a particular product is, how it works, and how to use it.

In this project, the HTML document contains elements like a header, paragraph, unordered list, and section. Also, various CSS properties are used inside the CSS file, such as width, height, padding, margin, and display.

5. Personal Portfolio

Project Information:

  • Required language: HTML and CSS
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Learning resource: W3Schools

A personal portfolio is similar to a resume or CV, but it is displayed as its own website rather than an image or a document file. You can showcase your projects and include contact information on a digital portfolio. It can also help boost your online presence and even land you a full-time job or a freelancing gig.

Building a personal portfolio requires you to use HTML and CSS. Since a personal portfolio is a complete site, you have the opportunity to integrate previous projects into this one. Moreover, this personal website can be a sandbox to test your creativity and problem-solving skills.

6. Landing Page

Project Information:

  • Required language: HTML and CSS
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Learning resource: HMA Blogs

Landing pages help business owners promote products or services online while driving visitors to take action, like subscribing to a newsletter or making a purchase. A landing page is crucial for every business owner as it is an effective platform to drive traffic, generate more leads, and make sales.

Like the personal portfolio project, HTML and CSS are required to build a landing page. The HTML elements used in this project will be similar to the previous ones. The difference mainly lies in the CSS, as you need to understand the use of advanced CSS attributes like flexbox.


Building HTML projects can be an effective way to learn web development languages and directly practice your skills. It’s an excellent way to quickly adapt to various scenarios, such as debugging your code or adding new features.

To wrap up, we have gone over six easy to medium HTML project ideas to help you develop basic web design and development skills:

  1. Survey form
  2. Cooking recipe
  3. Tribute page
  4. Technical documentation page
  5. Personal Portfolio
  6. Landing page

We hope this article has helped you discover various projects to improve your HTML and CSS skills. Good luck!