5 Best Videography & Cinematography Courses For Beginners in 2025

Videography is the process of capturing video or moving pictures using electronic media such as magnetic tape, hard disk, DVD / CD, Blu-ray, etc. viewer. A videographer is a person who works in the field of videography and/or video production.

Although Cinematography is more about the art and science of making movies and shooting a basic record of events. Trying to establish clear distinctions between cinematography and videography is a kind of loophole. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how you prefer to rate yourself with these two processes.

Keeping this in mind, here at Coursesity, we have curated some of the Best Online Videography & Cinematography courses with certification. Hope that you will find the best course for you to learn how to create a piece of art instead of just recording it like everyone else.

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Top Videography & Cinematography Tutorials List

  1. Cinematography Masterclass: The Complete Videography Guide

  2. Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals Online Class

  3. Video Production Bootcamp: Videography, Cinematography+

  4. Cinematography: Introduction to Composition and Camera Movement

  5. Cinematography & Videography: Better Video with Any Camera

1. Cinematography Masterclass: The Complete Videography Guide

9 steps to set up, light, record audio & shoot your videos like a Filmmaking Pro.

In this course, you will:

  • Gain a film school-level understanding of how to shortlist, light, frame, shoot, and capture crystal clear audio.
  • Get the confidence needed to film social media content, client projects, or personal projects from the ground up.
  • Expand your creativity, production quality, cinematography, and passion as a video creator.
  • Understand key video principles that you can use in all of your future projects.
  • Learn the techniques that make people share, like, comment, and engage with your video content.

Initially, you will see behind-the-scenes and understand how the video production process really works along with Cinematography and composition fundamentals. The course will also show you what are the main steps to film a cooler-looking and cinematic project.

Next, you will learn how to set your camera's functions, settings, and parameters. You will understand how to effectively use all of the functions and settings on your camera and get the perfect exposure with ISO, shutter speed, and aperture.

Moreover, you will learn to use colored gels, practicals, exposure contrast, your outfit, and location choice like a pro. This Videography course will make sure that you look great on-camera with the right lens choice and proper lighting.

You can take Cinematography Masterclass: The Complete Videography Guide certificate course on Udemy.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 1,080 Ratings total)
Duration: 6 h
Certificate: Certificate on purchase

2. Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals Online Class

Learn how to shoot a motion picture and tell stories in a powerful way—from ASC cinematographer and professor Bill Dill. Part 1 covers narrative filmmaking techniques.

The course includes:

  • Before You Start Filming
  • Principles of Storytelling
  • Composition
  • Understanding the Camera
  • Optics
  • Exposure
  • Lighting
  • Camera Movement

This Cinematography course covers the basics you need to shoot a modern motion picture and tell stories in the most powerful way possible. You will concentrate on narrative filmmaking: creating a world from scratch, using a script.

Next, the course introduces the techniques that professional filmmakers use to maintain the illusion of reality in the middle of an otherwise artificial world. Learn how to plan your production, assemble a crew, choose the right camera and lenses, and make creative choices that best fit the themes, characters, and story of your film.

Finally, you will learn how to put all these ideas together on set, and deliver the footage to an editor and director for assembly into a complete, coherent, and compelling story.

You can take Learning Cinematography: 1 Narrative Fundamentals Online Class certification course on Linkedin Learning.

Course rating: 451,400 total enrollments
Duration: 2 h 44 m
Certificate: Certificate on purchase

3. Video Production Bootcamp: Videography, Cinematography+

Make better videos with the ultimate course on videography: video production, cinematography, editing & distribution.

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the entire video creation / videography / filmmaking process.
  • Come up with great video topics that people will love watching and sharing.
  • Master shooting your video in manual mode on a DSLR, mirrorless, or professional cinema camera.
  • Expose and compose better shots that tell your story.
  • Shoot amazing videos with smartphones, webcams, or even screencasts.

With this Videography course, you will learn how to create professional videos with the equipment you already have. You will feel comfortable making your own videos from conception and production to editing and posting online.

Next, you will know what equipment the course suggests for beginner video creators and how to choose the right video to make with the best story. You will also know how to shoot great videos with any camera.

Plus, the course will show you how to record better audio with a variety of microphones and how to set up basic video lights, including using natural lighting for your videos.

Finally, you will know the process of editing a video and how to make whatever you shoot more engaging.

You can take Video Production Bootcamp: Videography, Cinematography+ certificate course on Udemy.

Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 8,342 Ratings total)
Duration: 9 h
Certificate: Certificate on purchase

4. Cinematography: Introduction to Composition and Camera Movement

Throughout these lessons, we'll delve into the key concepts and techniques of composition and camera movement.

The course includes:

  • Aspect Ratio
  • The Rule of Thirds
  • Shot Sizes
  • Movement vs. Rotation
  • Why Filmmakers Move the Camera
  • The Camera Tripod
  • The Camera Dolly
  • The Camera Jib/Crane

Throughout this Videography course, you will delve into the key concepts and techniques of composition and camera movement. You will start by learning about the "frame" and the terminology used when speaking about composition onset or with other creatives.

Next, you will be learning about the tripod, dolly, and crane. You will also learn how each different "camera support" moves the camera and the terminology associated with it.

By the end, you will have learned some important fundamentals of cinematography that are useful for live-action and virtual/CG filmmaking.

You can take Cinematography: Introduction to Composition and Camera Movement certification course on Pluralsight.

Course rating: 4.0 out of 5.0 ( 54 Ratings total)
Duration: 36 m
Certificate: Certificate on purchase

5. Cinematography & Videography: Better Video with Any Camera

Learn Videography step by step and shoot better video by learning the video production techniques used by Hollywood filmmakers.

In this course, you will:

  • Shoot beautiful video with any camera - from professional cinema to your iPhone.
  • Get paid to shoot video as a cinematographer/videographer.
  • Expose properly with ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture.
  • Light your set like a professional director of photography.
  • Work and navigate a film set.
  • Choose the right tools (camera, lights, stabilization).

This Cinematography course will help you to learn the basics of getting great shots with any camera. You will learn how to use the manual settings on your camera to expose your shot properly.

Next, you will learn how to use camera movement to get more impressive shots and light your video sets with traditional filmmaking techniques and lighting setups.

The main focus of this course is to help you become a professional director of photography (cinematographer) with tips on how to find work in the video/film industry.

You can take Cinematography & Videography: Better Video with Any Camera certificate course on Udemy.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 3,645 Ratings total)
Duration: 3 h
Certificate: Certificate on purchase

Hey! We hope you have found these Online Videography & Cinematography Courses with the certification list helpful and intriguing. Since you've made it this far then certainly you are willing to learn more and here at Coursesity, it is our duty to enlighten people with knowledge on topics they are willing to learn.

Here are some more topics that we think will be interesting for you!