10 Best PHP Frameworks To Use in 2024

As we proceed into 2024, PHP continues to stand as a cornerstone in the world of web development, favored for its flexibility, ease of use, and robust ecosystem. According to recent surveys, PHP remains a popular choice among developers for its powerful capabilities in creating dynamic and interactive websites. This blog explores the essentials of PHP frameworks, their types, how to choose the right one, and answers frequently asked questions about them.

What are PHP Frameworks?

PHP frameworks are tools that allow developers to build web applications efficiently. They provide a structure to build PHP web applications, reducing the amount of original code developers need to write. Frameworks come with pre-packaged functions and classes designed to handle common tasks, enabling developers to focus on the unique features of their applications rather than the basics of handling HTTP requests, managing databases, or producing HTML output.

Types of PHP Frameworks

PHP frameworks can be broadly categorized into three types:

  1. Full-stack Frameworks: These frameworks offer a comprehensive solution for building web applications, including everything from the user interface to data handling and storage. Examples include Laravel and Symfony.
  2. Micro-Frameworks: These frameworks are lightweight and focus on providing the bare essentials, suitable for building simple or constrained applications. Slim and Lumen are popular examples.
  3. Component-based Frameworks: In these frameworks, developers can choose different components or libraries to build a web application. This flexible approach is exemplified by frameworks like Zend Framework (Laminas).

How to choose the Best PHP Frameworks?

Selecting the right PHP framework involves considering several critical factors:

  • Project Requirements: Understanding the specific functionalities required for your project can guide the selection process.
  • Community Support: A vibrant community can provide crucial support and resources.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation is invaluable for learning and effectively using a framework.
  • Performance: Consider how the framework handles large applications and its efficiency.
  • Security Features: Evaluate the built-in security features of the framework.
  • Scalability: Ensure the framework can scale as your application grows.
  • Regular Updates: Choose a framework that is actively maintained and regularly updated to leverage the latest features and security enhancements.

Making an informed choice involves balancing these factors based on the specific needs of your project and team.

Top 10 PHP Frameworks List

  1. Laravel
  2. Symphony
  3. Laminas (Zend Framework)
  4. Yii
  5. CodeIgniter
  6. Slim
  7. CakePHP
  8. Phalcon
  9. FuelPHP
  10. PHPixie

1. Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax that aims to make the development process pleasing for the developer without sacrificing application functionality. It's one of the most popular PHP frameworks due to its robust features such as thorough dependency injection, an expressive database abstraction layer, queues and scheduled jobs, unit and integration testing, and more.


  • Comprehensive feature set for building modern web applications.
  • Extensive community support and a rich ecosystem.
  • Intuitive and powerful ORM (Eloquent).
  • Excellent documentation.


  • It can be overwhelming for beginners due to its vast array of functionalities.
  • Performance might not be as high as some of the lighter frameworks.

Why should you choose Laravel?

Laravel is ideal for developers looking for a comprehensive and scalable framework that stays relevant with strong community backing and constant updates. It's great for building applications of all sizes, particularly when robust capabilities are necessary.

2. Symfony

Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a web application framework. It is known for its stability, reliability, and modular component system. Symfony is highly favored for large-scale enterprise projects due to its ability to handle complex environments and sophisticated user management systems.


  • Highly flexible and integrates with bigger projects easily.
  • Extensive documentation and community support.
  • Reusable and decoupled components.


  • Steeper learning curve compared to other PHP frameworks.
  • Overhead can be higher due to its comprehensive nature.

Why should you choose Symfony?

Choose Symfony if you require a robust framework capable of integrating with diverse systems and handling complex functionalities. It’s particularly suited for long-term enterprise projects where stability and scalability are key.

3. Laminas (Zend Framework)

Laminas Project, previously known as Zend Framework, is an open-source framework focused on building more secure, reliable, and modern web applications and services. Laminas provides an object-oriented code structure with a broad spectrum of language features.


  • Enterprise-ready and highly customizable.
  • A strong set of components that adhere to PHP’s best practices.
  • Extensive community and professional support.


  • It can be complex and overwhelming for beginners.
  • It is not as popular as Laravel or Symfony, which can mean fewer community resources.

Why should you choose Laminas?

Laminas is suitable for complex, enterprise-level applications where a robust, object-oriented architecture is required. It’s ideal for teams looking for a framework with strong programming standards and enterprise support.

4. Yii 2

Yii, which stands for 'Yes It Is!', is a high-performance PHP framework best for developing Web 2.0 applications. It has an easy-to-use component-based architecture and a simple caching support system, making it highly effective for applications that need high scalability.


  • Highly efficient and excels in performance.
  • Easy to adjust and customize to fit user needs.
  • Strong security features.


  • It's not as intuitive as some other PHP frameworks.
  • The community is smaller compared to Laravel and Symfony.

Why should you choose Yii?

Yii is a great choice for developers looking for a high-performance framework that can handle complex functionalities with a high degree of customization. It's particularly good for high-traffic applications such as portals, forums, and content management systems.

5. CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. It is known for its speed and minimal configuration, making it ideal for developers who want to avoid PHP’s verbosity.


  • Lightweight and fast, with minimal impact on resources.
  • Straightforward and easy-to-learn.
  • Strong performance, especially in shared hosting environments.


  • Lacks some modern features found in other frameworks.
  • Not fully based on MVC architecture, which might be a drawback for some applications.

Why should you choose CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter is perfect for developers who need a straightforward, no-fuss framework that delivers performance without too much overhead. It's especially good for small to medium-sized projects and developers who prefer a less opinionated framework.

6. Slim

Slim is a PHP micro-framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. Just as its name implies, it's slim, providing just the essential tools to build web applications but allows for extensive extension to add additional functionalities.


  • Lightweight and minimalistic, ideal for small applications or APIs.
  • Easy to learn and works well for applications that don't need full-scale MVC implementations.
  • Extensible and adaptable to complex applications with additional components.


  • Limited built-in functionality compared to full-stack frameworks.
  • Not suitable for complex applications without significant custom additions.

Why should you choose Slim?

Slim is the ideal choice for developers who need a micro-framework for building APIs or small web apps quickly. It’s also great for beginners or those who prefer a minimalistic approach to web development.

7. CakePHP

CakePHP makes building web applications simpler and faster, requiring less code. It is known for its CRUD (create, read, update, delete) framework that streamlines application development.


  • Rapid development cycles.
  • No complicated XML or YAML files.
  • Built-in CRUD features that simplify database interaction.


  • Heavier than micro-frameworks like Slim.
  • Sometimes considered less innovative compared to other frameworks.

Why should you choose CakePHP?

CakePHP is perfect for developers looking for a structured framework that enables rapid application development with less code. It’s especially suited to commercial applications.

8. Phalcon

Phalcon is a high-performance PHP framework based on the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. Initially released in 2012, it is unique because it’s delivered as a C-extension, meaning it's incredibly fast and low on resources.


  • Exceptional performance due to its C-extension architecture.
  • Low memory consumption.
  • Rich set of features.


  • Requires knowledge of C to customize core behavior.
  • Less intuitive if coming from typical PHP development.

Why should you choose Phalcon?

Phalcon is suitable for developers who require high performance and are comfortable dealing with a lower-level programming style. It's excellent for apps with high real-time demands.

9. FuelPHP

FuelPHP is a flexible, full-stack PHP framework that supports the MVC pattern but introduces its own version called HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller). It is designed to be modular, and extendable, and has strong security features, which makes it a reliable choice for modern web applications.


  • Supports HMVC, allowing for more organized code and reusable components.
  • Strong security measures, including input and URI filtering and output encoding.
  • Extensible and adaptable to a wide range of web development needs.


  • Smaller community and slower development compared to larger frameworks like Laravel.
  • Can be complex due to its flexibility and modularity.

Why should you choose FuelPHP?

Choose FuelPHP if you’re looking for a secure, modular framework that allows for advanced web application development with HMVC, making it scalable and efficient.

10. PHPixie

PHPixie started in 2012 with the goal of creating a high-performance framework for read-only websites. It implements the HMVC pattern and is designed to be lightweight, easy to get started with, but still powerful enough to handle more complex applications efficiently.


  • Fast and lightweight, designed for high performance.
  • Easy to learn, making it great for beginners.
  • Secure by design.


  • Less popular, which means a smaller community and fewer resources compared to bigger frameworks.
  • Not ideal for large-scale applications or those requiring extensive third-party integrations.

Why should you choose PHPixie?

PHPixie is best suited for developers needing a straightforward, high-performance framework for smaller applications. It’s particularly good where speed and security are priorities.


What is a PHP Framework?

A PHP Framework is a platform that allows developers to build web applications. It provides a foundation of code with which to develop projects faster and more reliably by reducing repetitive coding tasks.

Which Framework is best for PHP for Beginners?

Laravel is often recommended for beginners due to its straightforward syntax, extensive documentation, and strong community support.

How do you create a Framework?

Creating a framework involves designing its architecture, defining core functionalities, setting up conventions for tasks like database interaction and URL routing, and possibly creating documentation for other developers to use it.

Is Laravel the best PHP Framework?

While Laravel is highly popular and suitable for a wide range of projects, whether it is the best depends on specific project requirements, team skills, and other factors.

Is Laravel better than Symfony?

Both Laravel and Symfony are powerful frameworks with their own strengths. Laravel is known for its ease of use and rapid development capabilities, while Symfony offers more flexibility and reusability, making it better suited for complex, enterprise-level applications.

Our take is that if you're more of an OOP purist, like Doctrine as your ORM, and are generally tech-focused, you'll enjoy Symfony. If you're more product-focused, don't mind the active record pattern, you can get a lot of mileage out of Laravel.

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