9 Best GraphQL Courses & Tutorials - Learn GraphQL Online
The Best GraphQL online courses and tutorials for beginners to learn GraphQL in 2025.
GraphQL is a query language that provides an efficient, powerful, and flexible approach to developing web APIs. GraphQL has gained immense popularity in the last few years with many Fortune 500 companies using it for their product development.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools.
More and more teams are choosing GraphQL instead of (or along with) REST for their web APIs. GraphQL queries give clients great flexibility in the way they request data from the server, preventing issues such as over fetching or under-fetching of data, and allowing multiple resources to be retrieved in a single request. Thus, if you are planning a power-packed career in the IT industry or if you are a software engineer looking to upskill yourself, then you must definitely consider taking the following GraphQL courses specially curated for you all.
Top GraphQL Courses & Tutorials List
A Practical Guide to GraphQL: From the Client Perspective - Learn Interactively
Learn GraphQL through Examples: Write Full Stack Java Applications
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1. The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (Learn Node.js and Apollo)
Learn how to build GraphQL applications using Node.js. Includes Prisma, authentication, Apollo Client, and more!
- Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 (5,595 Rating total)
- Duration: 23.5 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will learn :
- Learn and master GraphQL by building real-world Node applications.
- Use Prisma to store and access data from a production database.
- Use Apollo Client to communicate with GraphQL from your web app.
- Learn how to deploy and test your GraphQL applications.
- Test your skills and gain confidence by completing more than 80 coding challenges.
- Get access to a free 110-page PDF guide with lecture notes, code samples, and documentation links.
- Model your application data using schemas
- Create queries and subscriptions allowing clients to access data in the database
- Create mutations allowing clients to create and change data in the database
- Query and change your data from the browser by making requests with Apollo Client
- Work with the Prisma ORM to communicate with your database via a GraphQL API
- Deploy your GraphQL applications to production and secure your application data with an authentication system
- Write an automated test suite for your application
You can take The Modern GraphQL Bootcamp (Learn Node.js and Apollo) Certificate Course on Udemy .
2. GraphQL Essential Training
Get started with GraphQL, a query language for APIs. Learn about the basic types and fields, how to set up persistence, how to work with items with mutations and more.
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will learn:
- Basic GraphQL schema
- Object types and fields
- Role of the resolver in GraphQL
- Scalar and enumeration types
- Using GraphQL tools
- Setting up persistence
- Adding new items with mutations
- Updating and deleting items with mutations
- Queries with arguments, aliases, and fragments
You can take GraphQL Essential Training Certificate Course on Linkedin.
3. GraphQL with React Course: The Complete Developers Guide
Learn and master GraphQL by building real web apps with React and Node. This course will get you up and running with GraphQL quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React applications quickly.
You will get started by mastering the fundamentals of GraphQL, including data types, schemas, and integration with Express and React. Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing. Special attention has been paid to creating code that you'll be able to make use of on your own fantastic projects.
- Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (10,616 Rating total)
- Duration: 13 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will :
- Build amazing single-page applications with React JS and GraphQL.
- Master fundamental concepts behind structuring GraphQL servers.
- Realize the power of building flexible data schemas.
- Be the engineer who explains how GraphQL works to everyone else because you know the fundamentals so well.
- Become fluent in the ecosystem supporting GraphQL, including the differences between Apollo and Relay.
- Learn how to use GraphQL's schema to define relations between your data objects
- Learn the process of combining a backend server with a front-end React
- Master the process of thinking about your application's data in terms of a graph structure
- Grasp the difference between GraphQL, Apollo, and Relay, and when to use each
- Develop apps that are unique, fun, and responsive.
- Build servers that can be used with both React and React Native applications
- Master handling authentication with GraphQL
- Learn the core principles of navigation with React Router and GraphQL
You can take GraphQL with React Course: The Complete Developers Guide Certificate Course on Udemy.
4. A Practical Guide to GraphQL: From the Client Perspective - Learn Interactively
This course was written to be as practical as possible. It offers an interactive learning experience, starting off with a general introduction to GraphQL and proceeding to allow you to play with GraphQL Queries and Mutations using GitHub’s GraphQL API.
After getting you comfortable with the basics of GraphQL, the course moves on to how to use GraphQL with React and then on how to integrate it with Apollo Client. You'll implement an issue tracker application using GraphQL combined with both React and Apollo Client. Finally, with this course, Educative introduces its newest feature: A live VM. You will now have access to a terminal with a native look and feel where you can modify code and see changes in real-time - all inside your browser!
- Duration: 20 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will learn:
- An Introduction to GraphQL
- How to Get Started3. Exploring GitHub's GraphQL API
- Combining React with GraphQL
- Introducing Apollo Client with GraphQL
- React with Apollo and GraphQL
- Local Installation Guide
You can take A Practical Guide to GraphQL: From the Client Perspective - Learn Interactively Certificate Course on.
5. Learn GraphQL through Examples: Write Full Stack Java Applications
Learn GraphQL by writing full-stack JavaScript applications with Node.js, Express, Apollo Server, React, and Apollo Client.
- Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (4,939 Rating total)
- Duration: 5.5 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will :
- learn how to use GraphQL both on the server side and in client applications through practical examples in the form of full-stack JavaScript applications.
- Build a GraphQL server based on NodeJS, Express and Apollo Server.
- You will be introduced to all the main GraphQL concepts like schema definition, Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions, as well as to solution to common requirements such as handling authentication/blog/authorization and client-side caching.
- Invoke GraphQL APIs from JavaScript client applications using regular HTTP requests or Apollo Client.
- Handle Authentication/Authorization, Caching, and more.
The examples use Apollo Server with Node.js and Express on the backend, and Apollo Client with React on the front end. The aim however is not just to cover specific GraphQL libraries, but to give you a more general understanding of the underlying concepts.
You can take Learn GraphQL through Examples: Write Full Stack Java Applications Certificate Course on Udemy.
6. GraphQL: The Big Picture
In this course, you will learn about GraphQL, its core concepts, and why you should choose GraphQL to build your APIs. Explore the growing GraphQL ecosystem and tools that provide you with a superior developer experience.
- Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (837 Rating total)
- Duration: 1.2 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will :
- GraphQL: The Big Picture, you will learn why GraphQL has become so popular.
- First, you'll explore a big-picture overview of GraphQL, and learn about its core concepts.
- Next, you will examine when and why you should choose GraphQL.
- Finally, you will discover the diverse GraphQL ecosystem and tools that are available today.
- After watching this course, you will have a clear understanding of GraphQL's core features, capabilities, and advantages. This course will enable you to make an informed decision on whether GraphQL is right for your company.
You can take GraphQL: The Big Picture Certificate Course on Pluralsight.
7. GraphQL for beginners with JavaScript
A practical guide that teaches you GraphQL with JavaScript. Optimally paced, No-nonsense. Learn quickly! In this course, you will be building the GraphQL server, needed for our project app. Then we'll be creating the GraphQL queries needed for the app, and then we'll connect the app with the GraphQL server.
- Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (274 Rating total)
- Duration: 5.5 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will :
- What GraphQL is & why you should strongly consider using it instead of REST APIs.
- How GraphQL eliminates many of the problems REST API experiences.
- How GraphQL Avoids Overfetching Data.
- How GraphQL Avoids Underfetching Data.
- How you can avoid many concurrent REST/HTTP requests by using GraphQL.
- What the N+1 Problem is, and how to avoid it with GraphQL.
- How a GraphQL API is easier to learn, because of its Discoverability features.
- How to build GraphQL APIs from scratch using JavaScript.
- How to consume a GraphQL API in your applications.
- How GraphQL provides the best possible performance for applications.
- How GraphQL makes teams more Agile.
- How GraphQL helps you to avoid duplicate Server-side code.
- Build the server with Node.js and PostgreSQL, and you will use excellent and popular open-source GraphQL libraries.
You can take GraphQL for beginners with JavaScript Certificate Course on Udemy.
8. Complete guide to building a GraphQL API
Everything you need to know to build your own GraphQL API. GraphQL is a query language developed by Facebook to power its mobile applications. It's a replacement for traditional REST APIs and is far more flexible and faster. With GraphQL you can query multiple resources with a single request to the server. Making it ideal for web applications and mobile apps.
- Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (252 Rating total)
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will :
- Understand how GraphQL works.
- Build your own GraphQL API with JavaScript.
- Learn how to install and use Graphiql.
It's very easy to write your own GraphQL API. It's compatible with any database and can even work across different database engines if required.
You can take a Complete Guide to building a GraphQL API Certificate Course on Udemy.
9. GraphQL Apollo Server with Node.js, MongoDB - GraphQL API
GraphQL API Server with Apollo, Node.js, MongoDB. Jwt Authentication, Cursor Pagination, DB Query Batching & Caching
- Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (319 Rating total)
- Duration: 4.5 Hours
- Certificate: Certificate of completion
In this GraphQL tutorial, you will :
- Learn GraphQL Fundamentals such as Query, Mutation, and Subscription.
- Implement jwt Authentication in GraphQL Apollo Server.
- Build Scalable API with Faster, Efficient Pagination Strategies such as Cursor Based Pagination.
- Build Performant GraphQL API by batching and caching database requests with Data Loaders.
- Secure GraphQL API with Resolver Middleware and Authentication context.
- Handle deep nested GraphQL Queries efficiently.
- Build GraphQL API with Apollo Server in Node.js, Express, and MongoDB Database.
- Build GraphQL API with Apollo Server in Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
- Add JWT Authentication in Apollo GraphQL API.
- Implement Faster pagination with Cursor Based Pagination Strategy. Will also implement offset limit pagination and will compare them.
- Add Data Loaders to return data faster from the server by batching and caching your database query.
- Feel Confident with GraphQL Concepts such as Query, Mutation, and Subscription.
- Best practices in GraphQL and Build Scalable API with proper schema design.
- Efficient and scalable GraphQL Schema design strategies.
- Learn to handle deep nested GraphQL Query. Also, learn to efficiently use the GraphQL Playground tool.
- Get a good understanding of schemas, and "types" in GraphQL.
- Learn to set up real-time communication between client and server with a subscription and also learn to manage the authentication context in GraphQL.
- Secure/Protect various queries and mutations with Graphql Resolver middleware and auth state from context.
You can take GraphQL Apollo Server with Node.js, MongoDB - GraphQL API Certificate Course on Udemy.
Thank you for reading this. We hope our course curation would help you to pick the right course to learn GraphQL. In case you want to explore more, you can take the free GraphQL courses.
Greetings of the day dear reader! We are glad that you are with us till the very end of this blog, just in case you have not yet quenched your thirst for learning, find the below-mentioned related courses.