7 Best ECMAScript Courses - Learn ECMAScript ES6+ Online

The Best ECMAScript online Courses for beginners to learn ES6+ Javascript in 2025.

JavaScript is a central resource for any web designer. As an advancing language, new deliveries keep on refining it to make it more available for huge scope use.

ECMA Script, or ES, so, is the normalized name for the programming language prominently known as JavaScript. The 6th arrival of the content is known as ES6 and highlights significant upgrades which improve Javascript's ease of use.

ECMA Script 6 or ES6+ is the most recent standard utilized in JavaScript to take advantage of the JavaScript language itself. A ton of new language structure and catchphrases have now been added to the JavaScript ES6 update.

ES6 is a list of capabilities gave on top of the javascript library to furnish engineers with an assortment of great new highlights. ES6 will make your code spotless and succinct, and it will make your life simpler as an engineer.

It likewise has extra capacities and highlights that were not even conceivable in earlier forms of javascript. A larger part of the most recent programs presently uphold most, yet not all, of the ES6 highlights. Remember that since most web applications are assembled utilizing Babel.js to offer help for all programs and more established variants of programs.

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Top ECMAScript ES6+ Courses List

  1. ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript!

  2. Learning ECMAScript 6+ (ES6+) Online Class

  3. JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step)

  4. Learn ECMAScript 6 Web Programming Course at Eduonix

  5. Leveling up to ES6

  6. ECMAScript For Beginners

  7. JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step)

1. ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript!

ECMAScript Next is here. It's time to modernize your JavaScript.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • know a basic timeline of ECMAScript and the JavaScript language.
  • use the new methods and options available in modern releases of JavaScript.
  • differentiate between the versions of JavaScript.
  • transition between JavaScript and other programming languages easily.

The course includes:

  • ES6 Easy Wins
  • Classes
  • Array Changes
  • Map Constructor and Weak Map
  • Set Constructor and Weak Set
  • Promises
  • ES8 (Async)
  • Proxy Constructor and Reflect Object
  • Generators and iterators

This course will take you through all the changes, one at a time in a modular approach. This means that you can do chapters as needed, out of order, etc. without serious issues. There is a significant history lesson in order to place JavaScript and ECMAScript in context and the course will do comparisons to other languages so you get a feel for why certain things were added or changed.

It also does frequent comparisons between JavaScript and other languages like C, Java, and Python. This course will challenge your JavaScript as you learn many new features, but also as you learn how JavaScript and ECMAScript relate to other languages (C, Java, etc.).

You can take ES6, ES7 & ES8, TIME to update your JavaScript / ECMAScript! Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (1,250 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 13 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

2. Learning ECMAScript 6+ (ES6+) Online Class

Bring your JavaScript code up to modern standards. Learn how to use the latest features in ECMAScript 6+ to add functionality to your apps and simplify your code.

The course includes:

  • What Is ECMAScript?
  • ECMAScript Variables and Data Structures
  • Arrays and Array Methods
  • ECMAScript Objects
  • ECMAScript Functions
  • Asynchronous JavaScript

This course helps you create modern JavaScript applications leveraging the most interesting and useful features in ES6+. It introduces the new keywords and operators that can help simplify code, as well as new ways of creating functions and objects.

The course also shows you how to write and search through template strings, create map objects to store key/value pairs, move values from one array to another—or one object to another—with the spread operator, build reusable classes, and use arrow functions and generators.

Plus, learn how to handle asynchronous data and tasks with promises, fetch, and the async/await syntax.

You can take Learning ECMAScript 6+ (ES6+) Online Class Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

  • Course rating: 8,301 total enrollments
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

3. JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step)

Learn the most important parts of modern JavaScript with a Complete JavaScript ES6+ Course.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • complete JavaScript ES6+ (ECMA Script 6).
  • transpile work in ES6.
  • work with Babel JS.
  • install and setup Node JS.
  • use new syntax in JavaScript ES6+
  • use the Const keyword.
  • use template strings.
  • use spread operator in JavaScript ES6.
  • use default function parameters.
  • work with object literals.
  • use Arrow functions in JavaScript ES6+
  • use the "this" scope in modern JavaScript.
  • destructure in JavaScript.
  • use generators in ES6+
  • work with "class" syntax.
  • use inheritance in ES6+

In this course, you will cover everything that is required to get get started with modern JavaScript. After completing this course you can further proceed to any Popular JavaScript Framework.

You can take JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step) Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.1 out of 5.0 (249 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 1 Hour
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

4. Learn To Build Apps With ECMAScript ES2015

ECMAScript 6 course covers the new upgraded version of JavaScript E6, which helps simplify the coding process of writing complex applications and Websites.

In this course, you will learn:

  • what is ECMAScript and how has it changed over the years?
  • how to set up Babel and Traceur?
  • about declarations and classes, Let, and Const
  • about templates, template strings, new methods that can be used on strings
  • how data structures work (SET and MAP), what are iterators and what can they do?
  • about different functions such as generator functions, arrow function, promises, and even how to modify data
  • how to create working projects using all the new features learned above

The course includes:

  • Getting Started with ES2015
  • Declaration and Classes
  • Templates and String Features
  • Data Structures and Iterators
  • Functions and Promises
  • AddressBook Project

This course will break down all new features and the latest syntax of ES2015 and will make you a JavaScript master. It will cover concepts such as JavaScript fundamentals, objects, and classes, object-oriented programming, loops, functions, arrays, variables, iterators, modules, generators, etc.

The course will also touch base on other JavaScript-related technologies such as Node.JS, Data Flow, Babel/Traceur, and more.

Following a general understanding of the latest version, you will then progress on to learning the many features of JavaScript E6 in detail, after which you will put all of it into practice by creating a functional project using all of the features you’ve just studied.

You can take Learn To Build Apps With ECMAScript ES2015 Certificate Course on Eduonix.

  • Course rating: 3.8 out of 5.0 ( 703 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 1 Hour
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

5. Leveling up to ES6

Level up your javascript knowledge with the latest features provided in ES6

In this course, you will learn:

  • about all the new ES6 features included.
  • how to implement and use the ES6 features.
  • when these particular ES6 features should be used.
  • why these ES6 features help you write cleaner and concise code.

The course will overview a majority of the latest features provided in ES6. The strategy it will use to introduce these ES6 features is by first (when applicable) showing you how you might have used similar approaches in ES5 and then refactoring the code to resemble ES6.

Then, the course will explain why and when you should be using these features. After finishing this course, you will be great at using these new ES6 features in your day-to-day programming endeavors.

You will learn how, when, and why to use a majority of the latest ES6 features after completing this course. Some of the features including:

  • const - to declare constant variables
  • let - block-scoped enabled variables
  • block scoping - now your blocks can have variables and functions scoped onto them
  • arrow functions - simplify your code and prevent typical issues related to lexical this in javascript
  • generators - an awesome new way to write interactable code
  • classes - no more having to use some complicated prototype and function hackery to create classes
  • Map - an easier to use data structure than just using objects or arrays to create maps
  • Set - an easier to use a data structure for keeping track of a set of entries
  • Promises - an awesome alternative to using callbacks
  • Async / Await - yet a better solution for writing synchronous code instead of callbacks and promises
  • string interpolation - your strings will now be beautiful
  • spread operator - an awesome helper function for concat
  • rest operator - a cool operator for passing arguments to and from functions

You can take Leveling up to ES6 Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (  1,363 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

6. ECMAScript For Beginners

Practical Learning of New JavaScript Features.

The course includes:

  • Introduction
  • What is ECMAScript?
  • ECMAScript Versions
  • Scripting Languages
  • Variable Naming Convention

This course provides a practical view of all of the components present in ES6. It will discuss the importance of each component, learning how and why it makes things simpler in Javascript.

Interactive exercises and quizzes will help you adopt these modern coding practices for JavaScript. ES6 is rapidly growing in popularity, and this course is essential for anyone who wants to be fully immersed in JavaScript.

You can take ECMAScript For Beginners Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 3.9 out of 5.0 (21 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 3.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

7. JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step)

Learn the most important parts of modern JavaScript with a Complete JavaScript ES6+ Course.

In this course, you will :

  • complete JavaScript ES6+ (ECMA Script 6).
  • transpile work in ES6.
  • work with Babel JS.
  • install and setup Node JS.
  • use new syntax in JavaScript ES6+
  • use the Const keyword.
  • use template strings.
  • use spread operator in JavaScript ES6.
  • use default function parameters.
  • work with object literals.
  • use Arrow functions in JavaScript ES6+
  • use the "this" scope in modern JavaScript.
  • destructure in JavaScript.
  • use generators in ES6+
  • work with "class" syntax.
  • use inheritance in ES6+

In this course, you will cover everything that is required to get get started with modern JavaScript. After completing this course you can further proceed to any Popular JavaScript Framework.

You can take JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step) Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.1 out of 5.0 (249 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 1 Hour
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

Thank you for reading this. We hope our course curation would help you to pick the right course to learn ECMAScript. In case you want to explore more, you can take the free ECMAScript courses.

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